How (and Why) I Rave

I raved in the 90’s, when I was in my 20’s. Now I’m approaching 50 and I’m raving again. Some people ask me why I rave. Others, more often, ask me how I can do it “at my age.” Almost always the (mildly insulting) question is meant as a compliment. Often, the statement is, “I don’t know how you do it! Wait. How do you do it?” I’ve been asked about this enough that I figured I’d compose my thoughts here.

Age is a state of mind

We’ve all heard the adage, “age is a state if mind,” and I’ve always appreciated this. But until a few years ago, I didn’t truly embrace it. Sure, since I started cycling almost a decade ago I’ve felt younger. But MAMILs (Middle Aged Men In Lycra) like me on road bikes are hardly the exception these days. And most of my contemporaries exercise regularly.

Above & Beyond @ “Pier of Fear” October, 2016

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Life’s Direction (a Tattoo Origin)

Life’s Direction

For a long time my wife and I have talked about tattoos. We both really appreciate them and neither of us had any, mostly because we couldn’t think of what we might want to have on our bodies forever. About 6 months ago, I began to settle on an idea, and now my first tattoo has become a reality. Over the 6 months, it became a “project” involving several people and I could not be more satisfied with the final result.

Origin of Life’s Direction

Many of my close associates at work have tattoos. In fact, of the 15-person team I belong to, only three didn’t have a tattoo when these conversations began. So, of course, this group of friends was very encouraging while being mindful not to pressure me into doing something I’d regret. And seeing as how this took half a year, I clearly didn’t act hastily or without careful thought.

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